It turned out to be a sweltering day in Park City, a whopping 85 degrees. It was really fun to walk around all of the tents filled with jewelry, hippie clothes, random artwork and a few booths with food. There were a few bands, but I was really hoping for more of a farmer's market, since I am literally out of food at the house, but the only farmers market type tent only sold jalapeno jelly. So, Mischa and I shared a hot dog and sat in the grass and watched a band.
Mischa was definitely the hit of the event, everyone absolutely LOVED her!!! Unfortunately, she is not very friendly and wouldn't let too many people pet her. We chatted with many people about her heritage and floppy ears :) One man was so funny because his little boy dog was sniffing Mischa and the guy says to his dog, "Get a good sniff in, this is your day too!" It was so, so cute. Everyone was very friendly and we had such a fun time!
We went into a store on Main Street called Mary Janes (We were looking for a dress) and Mischa was greeted with treats and a request for a picture of her that they could put on their website and facebook.
I am thinking that we should go to this and similar events more often because it is A) FUN!!! and B) Will hopefully help the baby girl to become more friendly.
We were both hot and tired and took a 10 minute nap before work after all the walking around we did. It was a fun day for us girls!