783" of record breaking fresh at Snowbird, 650" at Brighton and 386" of snow at the Canyons made for an AWESOME winter for me!!!! I am sad to see my season finally end, after 8 glorious months, but the next few months will recharge my riding battery! Here is a statistical recap of this memorable season!
Season: November 9, 2010- July 4, 2011
Best Day: April 8, Canyons
Best Run: March 22, Dutchmans, Canyons
Best Pow Day: February 8, Snowbird
Best Park Day: April 17, Park City Mountain Resort
Best Hike: January 6, Canyons
Best Friends Day: April 1, Canyons & May 15, Snowbird
Total Days: 93
Total Miles Driven in Search of the Pow: 7,840
Tanks of Gas: 26
Cost of Gas: $2,080
Cost for Lift Tickets: $2,531
Number of Season Passes: 5
New Resorts for the Life List: 1
Number of Stitches: 0 (Yay!)
I was pretty conservative with buying new gear this season. I DID buy a new helmet that is cute and I will wear it next season. Other than two new hoodies, 2 pairs of boots and a set of ear buds, I didn't have to load up on the gear. This year, however, I will need a new Travis, gloves and bindings. But, since I live so close to 2 of my main mountains, I will be saving a TON of $$$ in gas, which can go towards new gear! Yay!!
I had high hopes for this season, but due to a few different factors, I did not accomplish as many of my riding goals as I would have wanted. But, I lay in bed every night and visualize what I want to be doing as soon as the season starts. I am not going to mess around until March before I start playing in the park. Day Numero Uno I am going to ride switch and try going off some kickers and maybe a rail at Brighton. It will be a few short months until I'm back on the snow!
Actually, I am hoping to ride August 31 and September 1 at Mnt. Hood and then hike in October in order to ride in every month of the 2011 year!