It may be that only 2 wonderful summers were meant to be spent on the Sweet Unit. For today, I rolled out of bed recovering from a migraine to find that... SOMEONE STOLE MY MOTOR!!! What kind of sick twisted bastard would steal the fun right out mine and Mischa's summers!!!??? Forget that this thing has been in most of the lakes in Utah, some in Idaho and has had the likes of Josh, Zach, Mischa, Wayne and Spjute, Biff and Axel, Jimmy, Squirrel and Skippy and lets not forget Larry (who once we realized was a pregnant trout was renamed, Lorena). My poor, poor sweet 1964 Evinrude has fallen victim to Rose Park (AKA Tijuana) and possibly the drug infested Salt Lake valley. My attempts at walking around with a flashlight (and my Glock) and looking in everyones cars and trucks, talking with my buddy over at the Quick E Mart, filing a police report,calling every single pawn shop in the valley, looking on craigslist and KSL has proved to be fruitless. So, if you happen to be out at the lake or meandering through the pages of craigslist...keep an eye out for the 1964 Evinrude. Above is a close up of the stolen "unit".