One of my favorite weeks of the year at work is the weekend of the International Tattoo Convention. Artists and collectors from all over the world converge on downtown Salt Lake to tatt and be tatted. Almost every single person that comes in my bar during this weekend is sporting at least one, if not full face and body tattoos. I don't have any ink myself but noticed that the majority of these dudes had knuck tatts. Most of them say something like; "Live Hard" or "Sexy Lady" or something referring to how bad ass they are, the trials and tribulations they have been through or their impending death. I was feeling quite like the virginal Molly Mormon with my blonde hair and inkless canvas....so I decided that I needed to take the knuck tatt for a spin. My coworker and I considered a few options, and he, knowing how much I love my tried and true Taco Bell 3 crunchy tacos and chips and cheese for $5.13 threw out "Taco Bell." I knew immediately that it was the winning suggestion. And, before I knew it, I Sharpied "Taco Bell" on my knucks, wrote an Arabic saying on my wrist, and was off serving Blue Moon to the comb-over, collared pilots who were wondering "Why do you let
these kinds of people in your hotel???" (Delta Dicks). Then, at 10:00 when all the artists and collectors came over after the show, it didn't take long for me to end up in numerous pictures and on numerous facebook pages. Everyone thought I was absolutely hilarious and I had many offers of getting it inked permanently, for free. One guy even said that because of me, he was going to convince someone to get the "Taco Bell" knuck tatt for real. All in all, I love this weekend. These guys are really cool dudes, tip super fat, and bring some excitement to the place. Of all the conventions we see, this group is the most generous and the most polite and considerate bunch of people we have. I'll be sad to see them go, but will remember my temporary knuck tatts....and will be glad that it was only temporary :)