My favorite season is finally here! It is ELECTION SEASON!!! I am sitting here watching the first Republican Presidential Debate and I am on the edge of my seat! The next 14 months are going to be filled with some of my favorite things: debate, issues, accusations, honesty, gaffs, Brett Baier, Carl Camron, confetti and the "theme song". One of my traditions is to take the night off of work during the main presidential debates and drink a nice bottle of wine with a great cheese, delicious crackers and fresh fruit. I make a big deal out of each one. This is going to be a very exciting election season. I like when there is no incumbent because then there is a flurry of activity on both sides, but I'll enjoy watching the Right try to trounce "He who I will not even name".
I am impressed with the candidate pool. I'm surprised that there are two Mormons. I'm surprised that there is a competent woman. I'm surprised there's a black man. I've even personally met one of them. My ideal ticket of available candidates would be Romney/ Huntsman or Romney/ Bachman. This is a surprising revelation considering how much I growl and moan about Mormons and their stance on liquor laws. But, after living under a Mormon government, I am happy with the community and economy that I live in. We need a real businessman in our White House, NOT a career politician. So.....let the graveling begin! WHOOOOO!!!!