I, like many Utahan's, were hoping that the Jazz would draft Jimmer Fredette in the NBA draft last night. We had hopes that since Jimmer is 1. Mormon 2. A BYU alum 3. A fast, high scoring guard and 4. Has been practicing with the Jazz.....that we WOULD HAVE DRAFTED HIM!!! Ticket sales and moral is low for the Jazz after losing 3 key players and our coach. We could definitely use a spark to get this team back "in the game". Surprisingly, we had the 3rd draft pick and chose Enis Kanter... another large white foreigner. We could have all really gotten behind the Jim Town, but now we're stuck with another foreigner that can't rally the crowd quite like a hometown boy, especially a really close hometown boy. Oh well...good luck in Sac Town, Jim Town.