My day at the Bird today is in contention for one of the best days of the season! I had just gotten to the base of P Dog to get on my first lift when I saw these fools! They all had their headphones in and couldn't hear me, so I hopped on the chair and waited for them at the top. Super Dave, C- Murder, Josh and Cory and I hit up Mineral, Provo and then the Cirque which was AWESOME!!! There is so much snow up there that I didn't even see one rock. Corona and I dropped Mach Schnell and it was great. On our way back up we saw a kicker tucked in some trees at the base of the Cirque in Chips, so we traversed over and we all hit it! It was about 25 feet and I cleared it easily both times and was thrilled! I got a grab in both times and landed cleanly. Because I just waxed with my SWIX warm temp wax I was HAULING ASS all day! These other foolios didn't have wax on and were struggling but I was going so fast I think my burn is speed rash, not a sunburn :) We found all kinds of great little hits and we all rode really well. The lifts stopped way too soon for us, we could've used a few more hours up there, it was a great, great day!