Today was the last day of the season at Brighton. There is still a 145 " base and 12 inches of fresh falling tonight (Notice the storm moving in on the bottom picture). Just on the snow they have up there alone, we could ride at least for another 3 weeks! The injustice of the BLM closing them down so early! Thank goodness for Dick Bass. (Owner of the Bird). I'll still be riding tomorrow.
I was up there on opening day this year and had 26 wonderful days at Brighton this season. Some of my favorite things about Brighton include:
- Local bangers "Hey! You're my bartender!" I heard that again today!
- Nice clinic techs
- Chill liftees
- An ever changing and well groomed park
- Sweet tree runs
- Easily accessible back country
- Parking 20 yards from the lift
- My favorite chair lift in Utah; Great Western- overlooks Timp and Big Cottonwood
- Few, if any, tourists
Anyone who ever rides with me knows....I HATE wearing my coat and a helmet. I have not succumbed to wearing a coat yet, but I have to wearing a dome piece. Now, I am going to just throw this out there....no..I am not going to wear it every single day I ride..but I will make an effort to wear it as much as possible. I bought a R.E.D. helmet and they come in all kinds of cute colors, so maybe I will invest in buying a few and if I don't feel like too much of a penis head, then maybe I will wear it. And yes, that is how I felt today. But, by the end of the day, I barely even noticed I was wearing it.
I'll admit, I may have shed a little tear today. I have a hard time leaving "winter" behind. The problem is, is that it is still winter and we could still be riding! As mentioned last week, riding is my favorite thing to do and it really makes me so sad to leave the season behind. But, tomorrow I will hit up the Dirty Bird and all will be right in my world again. :)