Jimmy flew in from San Jose and we all headed down to the strip where we ate at one of my favorite restaurants; Canaletto, in the Venetian. I had a wonderful glass of Barbera, which is from the Piemonte region of Italy, where I lived. Skip ordered my favorite risotto dish and shared with me so I could get gnochhi. YUUM!
After an excellent dinner, we walked around the Strip, in the rain, and checked out the scene. Jimmy hadn't been there in 4 or 5 years! Much has changed! We all agreed how much we dislike City Center and how much we love the Bellagio.
As per norm, Allen and I were up to our usual shenanigans. I accomplished one of the funniest tasks that Allen has put me up to.....bombing Asian photography. The goal is to "poach" someones picture. Of course, Asians are the easiest, because they won't fight! My first mission was on the bridge over to Bally's. It was on a solo Asian girl getting her picture taken by her mom. I waited until the very last minute, right as the mom was pressing the button and I swooped in right behind her and got my mug right in the shot. AAHAHAHAHA HHHHHHAAAAAA AHAHAHA!!!! Of course, Allen and I laughed our heads off all the way over to the Bellagio gardens where my missions were even more challenging. I managed to get into at least 3 still shots and 2 video cameras. One lady even followed me and continued to tape me after I just blatantly put my face right in front of her video camera. She followed me with it and so I just stood there waving. Definitely the funniest part of the trip!
On Wednesday morning I was able to have brunch with one of my best friends, Lisa. Her and I always have much to discuss. We got a lot accomplished as far as discussing our usual life and relationship status. I can't help but laugh when I compare the two of us and what we love in our lives. We are so different! (She shops at Prada for her Christmas presents and I shop at Gallensons) We love different kinds of people, do different kinds of things, yet her and I seem to really get each other. I miss Vegas everyday, but miss it mostly because of her.
Later that afternoon, all of the BRONCO NATION met at Sam Boyd Stadium on the outskirts of Vegas, in the rain, to cheer on our boys. It didn't rain the whole time, and because of my thick skin, I wasn't too cold. It was a fun game! I had a girlfriend from Salt Lake sitting on the other side of the stadium and peeps from all over watching our win. Granted, it wasn't the Rose Bowl, and it wasn't the best game they have ever played, but it is always really fun to see #2 score :)
The party animals went to the Hard Rock after the game to celebrate, while Jimmy and I hair dried our feet and stayed in and watched a movie. Apparently, Allen had the best night of his life the night before, and I haven't gotten the entire story, but he was satisfied with his Vegas trip!
The trip home went pretty fast and it was fun to spend the weekend with the fam. Now, it's time for more snowboarding and a chance to watch Allen do a 360 kick flip on his snow blades. I'll try to document that!
(The middle picture is of Allen learning how to poach a picture. I am teaching the young one the finer intricacies of photo bombing! It looks like he got the hang of it!)