Alas! Or should I say, AT LAST!!! The season has begun and I am back in my snowpants! Since someone would rather hang out with their pretty girlfriend than brave 10 degree temperatures at 11pm with me, I had to make the annual tradition a solo mission...
I bought new RIDE boots last week. Today was their first day and they performed wonderfully. I was not even able to tell that they were new boots. The intuition liner was snug, warm and squishy and I felt like I was back in my old boots again. An excellent purchase. I am lucky to not have the painful breaking in of the boots period, because they are perfect how they are. Hurray!
It was 10 degrees up there and anyone who has ridden with me before knows that the least amount of clothing I can wear, the better. So, after about 20 yards, off comes the coat and gloves. I was relieved that my internal furnace is still working. I hate wearing my coat!
One of my favorite things of all time is the snow cat. I want one so bad so I can groom my backyard some day. I love seeing them in the middle of the night cruising along the mountain. They were up there tonight as well as the snow making machines. (The middle picture). Some day I will hop aboard and go cat riding.
It was probably the worst night to attempt my mission because it was PITCH DARK! No moon at all. I could see the city below and the stars above but surrounding me was total darkness. Usually the snow reflects some light, but not tonight. Then, of course, my brand new head lamp went out about half way to where I wanted to go. So, mission aborted, but I still was able to get some turns in and and I even got tossed at the very bottom after hitting my nose on a big rock. (It was pitch dark with no headlamp, didn't see that coming!)
I really feel that when things in my world are just not right, I can always go to the Bird to recalibrate. The tears stop, the over analyzing in my head stops and until the lifts stop, I am in another world. Snowbird is my ultimate zen. For some wonderful and strange reason, all of my physical pain issues disappear too. I don't remember ever having a headache at the Bird. The swelling in my back is reduced and I never feel as good as when I'm up there. Of course reality hits once I hit the car, but for the time that I spend on the mountain, I am happy.
Since the new season technically started today for me, I thought I should calculate last seasons stats:
The 2009/2010 was my best season so far and here's why!:
3 season passes
77 days
542 runs
7 stitches
1 snowboard camp
1 new board (Which I LOOOOOVE!)
5 new Empyre hoodies
12 different resorts
9 months that I snowboarded in (October 27- June 20)
1 first time I landed a 3!
1 new favorite riding buddy
200 times I listened to "Don't Cry Out" by Shiny Toy Guns
98 times I listened to "Personal Jesus by Marilyn Manson (I learned how to ride to this song)
Here's how ridiculous my "snowboarding addiction" is:
$3,238 in lift tickets and passes
$2,193 cost of gas to get up all these mountains
$5.97 per RUN (that figure always rocks my little world)
9,040 miles driven just to go ride
36 tanks of gas
$200 cost of x ray
$1,700 cost of new brakes because I refused to downshift when coming down the canyons
$1,300 cost of new tires from going up and down the canyon everyday
$5,431 cost of passes and gas
These figures don't include the costs of all these fun little items associated with riding:
Wax sticks, edgers, cans of rockstar, powdered sugar donuts, Rumplemintz, PBR, 7-11 turkey sandwiches, smart wool socks, peppers, gum, peanut butter sandwiches, McDonalds chicken mcnuggets and apple pies, oil changes, new sets of car keys, new beanies, new pants, new bindings, shin guards, knee guards, helmet, Peeps pass, waterproof case for iphone, Patron, tylenol for black and blue butt (riding switch), new grenade gloves, beacon and wench straps.
I think that the whole summer I was a little bit "off" because I wasn't riding. Well, winter has come and I am READY TO RIDE!!!!!